About Me

My name is Bonnie Powell and I am originally from Baltimore, Maryland so crab cakes and Old Bay are in my blood!  Now, I live in a beautiful small town in South Carolina where we can spend our days boating, on the beach or walking around local shops.

I am a huge animal lover! If I could have a giant farm with endless animals I would.  But, I am trying to control my animal intake and currently I only have three dogs (Ollie, Zoe and Maverick) and one cat (Tony).  I am that person that would rather deal with animals than people on most days.

I do also work for a local animal shelter, so I am literally surrounded by dogs and cat all day!  I do see some sad situations, but the best moment is when a homeless dog or cat gets adopted and they finally find that loving family of their own.

I am also married to the best man in the world!  He not only supports me, but he embraces my passions and he let's me follow my heart.  I met Jesse on New Year's Eve in 2012 and we were married in 2014.  He is truly my best friend and I could not ask for a better partner!

Another big passion of mine is baking! Martha Stewart and Ina Garten are my two favs when it comes to making desserts, I could read their recipe books all day. I do have to say that like Martha and Ina all of my desserts are all homemade...FROM SCRATCH! No box mixes in this house!!

As Martha Stewart once said "A Homemade, Home-baked and Handcrafted dessert makes any occasion feel more joyful."

Well, this is me and I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and getting a look into my crazy, fantastic, golden life. 

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